Monday, October 12, 2015

Social Networking

Businesses and individuals use social networking to meet new people, interact with groups, stay connected, etc. Using social networking for such reasons are a benefit to businesses and individuals. For example, Linkedin is a great social networking site to connect professionals with businesses and industries they work for or are interested in, along with helping those looking for jobs find them based on past experiences. 

The WSJ article "Moguls of New Media" states, "24-year-old cosmetologist who until a few months ago worked at a makeup counter in a mall, she now has a manager and a start-up jeans company and has won promotional deals for two mainstream consumer brands" about MySpace user Christine Dolce. Dolce effectively used social networking to kickstart her career through her connections and growing popularity on MySpace. This is just one way social networking is beneficial to individuals. On the other side are businesses that are able to promote their business and attract consumers by simply being active on social networking and posting pictures, sales and keeping people updated with what they're doing. These technologies, like MySpace, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. all keep people connected with one another -- making the world a little smaller than it is. 

On the other hand, there are downsides to these technologies. A major one being privacy. The Wire article, "Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private" states "...if you really don't want intimate photos out there, don't put 'em on Facebook. But also, don't expect to hide something if you do — everything can be shared and re-shared these days." The article discusses how Randi Zuckerberg, Mark Zuckerberg's sister, posted a family photo that she intended to be shown just to friends, but got shared by a Vox Media marketing director. This happens several times on social networking sites with photos or information that once posted, is really not under your own control.

Regardless of this downside, I still believe social networking sites will continue to grow. As I mentioned before, they make the world seem a little smaller than it really is by connecting so many individuals, groups, and businesses together. I definitely see a growth of small businesses on social networking sites, it's a great way to reach out to people who tend to use those sites a lot and want to a quick way to follow what a business is offering. 

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