Monday, November 2, 2015


New media fosters creativity in several ways. Users of new media can post creative pictures they have taken, blog poems or stories they have written, create unique videos, and even collaborate on ideas instantly. New media is an open platform for users to constantly test their creativity.

For example, mash-ups became very popular on YouTube, where the producers would combine two different snippets of music or cartoons or both, into one video. In a particular example mentioned in the NYT article "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?," YouTubers created mashups of Disney characters with popular rap songs. These mash-ups made it seem as if the cartoons were singing and dancing to the song. (You can watch the video here).

Other examples include websites like OpenIDEO where users collaborate on new, creative solutions to social issues, Instagram where photographers can display their unique collections, and even Snapchat where users send short pictures or videos that they can draw or create. New media allows users to channel their creativity through different ways of collaboration and freestyle.

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